
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Excuse Me, Young Man, May I See Some ID?

So Liz and I took Nate and

to Hour at a local tavern
where they have outside seating and serve dogs, too!
On the menu that evening were "Puptini's"

a lovely (if you're a dog) concoction of chicken broth garnished with a hot dog on a pretzel stick.


Sam U.L. Fraser sips his first puptini...

But decides to hell with the chicken broth...pretzel be damned!  Give me the hot dog! (bars are notorious for encouraging bad language in puppies)

Oh, my aching puppy-head.  I'll never drink like that again!

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  1. Where do you live? Do they allow goats????

  2. Marigold, a goat of your style and sophistication should definitely come down to San Diego...we have bars where FREE peanuts are delivered to your table...sometimes popcorn...oh, you poor mistreated Marigold...have you never gone out for Baa-ppy hour?

  3. Oy. I'm gonna' have to tell the goatmother she isn't providing adequate service here.
