
Thursday, December 16, 2010

All I want for Christmas...

Now that we have conquered the first event in the Holiday Season Eating Marathon, it's time to start thinking about MY Christmas list.  I'm afraid there may be some of you who have not decided on an appropriate gift for ME, so I'm really giving MY wish list some serious thought...

Of course, first I have to ask for the impossible:  For Christmas I want all the bad in the world to go away.  No more war, famine, violence, disease, cruelty, prejudice...

Since that may not be practical, how about probably-impossible-but-more-possible-than-the-former?  Let's see: My own little tractor? Being 10 lbs thinner, painlessly? A new wardrobe? A personal chef? A clean car? A clean house? How about a self-cleaning house and car? 

Okay, well some of those items may be a little rough to wrap and put under the tree.  Oh, I know!  For those of you who have been stumped in determiing the perfect gift for me, all I really want is....................

......a car-washing, organic-gardening, laundry-loving, gourmet-cooking, extremely tidy, always cheerful...........


1 comment:

  1. I think you ought to train one of the goats to do all those things. They are definitely more cheerful than house elves, not to mention smarter.
