
Friday, September 30, 2011

My Day Off!!

Yippee! Today is my day off! 

Got up about 7 the paper in bed with the hubs and some coffee...showered and got ready for the day...ate breakfast...fed the chicks...fed the goats... played ball with SamDammit...faxed tax info to Donna...put the mail out...packed my lunch and the dinner I made for Liz into the car...put the mail out...started a load of laundry....loaded the dogs into the car and went to work...saw that SamDammit had knocked over the poison bait in the back alley and may or may not have ingested some....  called Poison Control...  called the exterminator NO EFFING RESPONSE... called the vet...dogs seemed okay so I called a vendor...sold some crap...wrote a purchase order...sold some more crap...called the vet back...called the health insurance about my dad...sold more crap...called my sister in re the call to the insurance (twice)...left work at 1 p.m. ...waited for the vet's call back...on vet's instructions, dosed the dogs with 1 tbs of hydrogen peroxide each to induce vomiting (looking for the green color of rat poison)...waited for dogs to vomit...watched Weiner vomit clear, yet, very foamy fluid...waited for Sam... called vet back because Sam didn't the okay to observe SamDammit for 24 hours... whereupon in 24 minutes Sam Dammit decided to upchuck a lovely pile of clear vomit....I watered the all the plants on the back porch...changed the laundry...met Teri C at the house and went to the barn to give her a  riding lesson... upon leaving the barn at 6 p.m. noticed that Ilean had a swollen ugly hock...called the barn manager... buted Ilean with a note to call me in the a.m...drove home...picked up the mail...went to the bank...came back...fed the goats...fed the a call from the husband...he is coming home...just started the grill to make some burgers....

Yippee!  Today is my day off!


  1. Oh my gosh I'm exhausted. Try not to take too many days off. Too much work! Glad the dogs are OK though!

  2. Oy. Too much, too much! Where were the Peanuts in all that anyway?
