
Monday, March 22, 2010

My Fifteen Minutes of Fame -- the Preparation

I was the original San Diego contact for Robin, (laying the foundation)so she deemed me the “goat expert.” Even though Donna is much more our resident goat guru, I was chosen; perhaps because of my proximity to town or perhaps just by default. The plan was to start filming at the 4Her’s house and interview everyone over there, then come to our house and interview me as the expert, ie breeder/judge.

In my mind, I pictured sort of an upscale tea party where I would be filmed and interviewed while demonstrating what lovely, urban people goat owners can be. You know, hair and makeup done; clean and ironed clothing... not my usual stained tee shirt and torn jeans. Perhaps there would be a long camera-shot of the house as they pulled up, showing how goats really do belong in neighborhoods.

Oh, but what we did to get ready for our fifteen minutes of fame.  I have not touched one plant in our garden in over two years.  Not a weed, not a rose, not anything.   But to get ready for our big TV debut, we cleaned like there was no tomorrow.   We started the weekend before the big day and you can see below that we needed some major help!

We started on the front island where Pedro had built a wall.  Sure minimalism has its place, but it was time.  So after nearly a full year of this --

-- we finally went to Home Depot. 
Ten flats of geraniums and a truckload of bark we had this --

It was an improvement, and Allan, as usual, got a little carried away with the bark --
--but it does look nice and Sam has lots of new play toys to bring in the house. (yet another reason to not go barefoot with a new puppy in the house. those little pieces of bark hurt like hell.)
We even hung this little sign on the front door!

Then we moved to the back of the house....