
Monday, November 7, 2011

(and showing in Rosamond)

I don't get much of a chance to show my goats: It's hard to get the weekends off and it's a lot of work for a "one-woman" show.  But I put in for weekend off and made plans to meet a friend up in Rosamond at one of our local club's Halloween shows -- "local" being a relative term; it was almost 500 miles round trip.

I loaded my goaties, got my iPod (all 11 songs), and hit the road!  California has such a varied terrain (most of it dry and arid) that there's always something new and fun to see.  After making it through the Los Angeles traffic, I headed up through the mountains....

 got off on Hwy 138 to cut across the valley to the high desert. I passed the Mormom Rocks

which always amaze when I go by...

as soon as you get over the hills, the valley looks pretty flat....

and after four hours or so, goaties and I arrived.  The truck was a little worse for the wear,

but goaties and I were in fine shape.  
 I was sharing a room with my good friend,
 Barb "Crazy Barby" Lutz,
 seamstress extraordinaire....

....who had convinced me to enter the costume class with her.  She would make the costumes; I would supply a goat.  So Saturday, she showed her goats (Platinum Acres Cowboy Chase below)....

 ...and I showed mine (Sassy and me in the junior doe line up)...
...then Sunday......
may we present
the Sesame Street Pygmies


  1. Even having seen these pics on Facebook, I adore them all over again! Love love love the wee goaties in dress-up! Lucky Nickel and Fezzik are both jealous. xox

  2. Now how cute are those. Although, I feel I must point out that in the first picture, Elmo is eye-balling Cookie Monster's cookies. Good thing he wasn't wearing Peanuts on that costume, don't you think?
