
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Melancholy Sort of Day

I took PerfectGrace to the vet today.   Nothing life-threatening, but the arthritis in her knees has become bad enough that she's having a hard time getting around.  She can't jump up onto the bed or into the car anymore; she slips on the hardwood floors and goes down.  It's very sad.  We're putting her on Rimadyl daily, plus a month's worth of weekly Adequan injections.  She is truly PerfectGrace...

And while I hate that she -- or any of the animals in my life -- are getting old 
 this post isn't really about PerfectGrace.
It's about my Justy.
Justy's not even old, but I've decided it's his time. 
What a horrid decision...
...and it's one I didn't want to make...
...But I did.
I made that decision
and called the vet today...

 Justy is tired and he hurts.
I suspect he had an injury before he came to live with me
that affected his shoulder.  He has terrible arthritis in that leg and 
 has become so lame on that leg, that he rarely walks upright.
He recently has taken to scooting along with that knee on the ground..

I've had him on double the recommended amount of Previcox
to make him comfortable.
He's only five.
He was never very friendly -- a little timid --
but he's a good boy.
Even though he didn't ask to be mine, he is.

and he deserves a soft landing...


  1. Thats hard. We have a black lab that can hardly get around because an ACL injury that didn't heal and now has chronic debilatating arthritis. It will be time soon, its truly heartwrenching.

  2. I am SO sorry. But I can tell he has had the very best of homes.

  3. I wish knowing it's the right thing to do made it a easier...
